MDM Help

Download MDM

Download the Android MDM Apk onto the device.

Remove ALL Accounts from the device

In order to get device ownership any account like gmail, whatsapp, telegram etc MUST be signed out or removed from the device.

Install the APK

Once downloaded, install the APK. You should find it in the notification bar by swiping down from the top of the screen. You’ll find it as well in the Downloads folder in File Manager or the Downloads app.

Tip: Before continuing with the PC steps you will activate USB Debugging and install the Android ADB drivers so that the device can be detected by the MDM Helper Utility.

Tip: USB Debugging has a few Modes and it is different on every device which Mode is needed for ADB access, therefore make sure you are prompted on the device to allow ADB otherwise if not prompted switch the modes until prompted.

When you get prompted to continue on the computer you will need to open (or Download and open) the MDM Advanced Helper and proceed with the instructions below

Troubleshooting Tips

Helper not detecting device

  • USB Debugging must be allowed (sometimes it turn off)
  • Change USB Debugging mode
  • Make sure helper is not in a zipped folder
  • Use different cable
  • Use different computer port
  • Install drivers (changing the modes can help getting the needed drivers directly from the device)

Can’t remove or disable accounts

  • Try to manually disable apps in application manager
  • Try to remove the sim card of the device
  • Try to remove additional users on the device (if device has multi users)
  • If user allows try to wipe the device

ADB Shell (only for advanced users if you know adb commands well)

  • pm disable (for some older versions)
  • pm hide (for some versions if security patch is older then oct 2016)
  • pm user disable (can not reinstall it after, so be careful)
  • pm uninstall -k –user 0 (can not reinstall it after, so be careful)

Device Models

LG G3 – LS990 – Will Brick the device

LG Flex – LS995 – Will brick the device

LG Zone 3 – S425PP – Verizon – Android version 5.1.1 – Dialer app will not be reactivated and will require a wipe

Moto – kinzie – XT1585 – Android version 7 – re-enable the apps from the playstore

ASUS – P01MA – Will brick the device

Blackberry Priv – signed out of all visible accounts, disabled backup assistant app in app  manager, disabled com.blackberry.hiddemcontackts via adb
you might be able to disable and re -enable with advanced installer

OnePlus 2 – built-in gallery account can’t be removed but not detected by helper. connect to pc with adb debugging off to get driver

OnePlus 7 pro and more devices –  maybe need user 999 to be removed – adb shell pm remove-user 999



  1. Open the “Phone Manager” app.
  2. Press “Cleanup” (the brush icon) and on the next screen press the “Settings” button (the gear icon).
  3. Press “Memory cleanup whitelist”. On the next screen, swipe the toggle and set GenTech to “Selected”.
  4. Return to the “Phone Manager” app and press the “Battery” icon. On the next screen, turn off the “Power saving mode” and press the “Settings” button.
  5. Turn off the “Power-intensive prompt” and “Close excessively power-intensive apps” options.
  6. Open the “Settings” app and on the next screen press “Apps”.
  7. Press the “Settings” button (gear icon). On the next screen press “Special access” and then press “Ignore battery optimization”.
  8. Press the “Allowed” and then select “All apps” option.
  9. Press GenTech in the apps list, select “Allow” and then press “OK”.